Discover a minimalist path for weightless, faith-filled living with Joanna Descombes.
Are you looking for a simpler and clearer way to live and align with God this coming year? Are you suffering from Spiritual clutter? A smorgasbord of techniques and applications for spiritual growth, healing and happiness that are leading you further into a life of ‘works based’ and sometimes exhaustive spirituality?
When I left the New Age (for want of a capsule expression) and stepped fully into following a life with Christ, the first thing I felt so deeply relieved about was to be walking a path of God’s grace rather than striving for change with all my own works, rituals and years of learned techniques. I had no idea how addicted I was by that stage to my daily Oracle and Tarot Cards, to my shamanic superstitions and rituals, to my crystals, ‘positive thinking’ and ‘ego death’ status. Every single part of my life had been infected and affected by it.
The end of decades of confusing, conflicting indoctrinations led me to a path of simple spirituality. It was utterly weightless and yet deeper than any path I had known. It led me from years of confusion to the most clear I had ever been.
RESET TO BREAK THE SPELLS The day I threw all my crystals into the Sea I had an epiphany about the irony of having invested so much in expensive healing rocks only for them to weigh me down with carrying them all these years and then lug them from home to home or place to place. You may disagree with my decision, but when the Lord puts a task on your heart it is crystal clear. Mine was to return these rocks from whence they came; back to the earth to be renewed and sanctified from all the words and ‘intentions’ and spells said over them.
Just like my journey with the crystals, this is also symbolic of us. We’ve had so many year of having words said over us, spells said over us, intentions said over us. All of this can lead us to the brick wall of desperation and disappointment when none of those things (or only a seldom few) come to fruition if they are positive (and even worse when those words and intentions are negative), How wonderful then for us to hand over the ‘manifestation’ process, spell breaking and control from what we think is right for us to what God KNOWS is right for us. And yet how scary that can be too.
My aim with this 7 day reset is to get you to a place of letting go and letting God. As cliche as that sounds, it is cliche for a reason… it works! Living a life of minimalist spirituality affects everything in and around us in the same way a cluttered to minimalist home does. You will experience letting go once again in a way perhaps you had not experienced since you were a child. You'll find time and energy returning and renewed clarity in your mind.
You may think ‘Well I’m not a Christian! Why should I do this!’ And to that I say… give it a try! You probably have had no fear in the past of trying out all kinds of other religious traditional approaches from Buddhism, Hinduism, Chi Gong, Yoga and more but may find anything with a Christian approach triggering! I can certainly understand this if so. I was a Christaphobe for many years and scared of what I felt was a suppressive or judgemental doctrine. So let me state now this is not an indoctrination course, this is a chance to find out what a life following Jesus may truly look like in the day to day.
These are the things I dearly WISH someone had shared with me about becoming a christian before I found out myself. When the Bible says "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" There are many beautiful reasons why. These 7 days will help you to unplug, reset, refresh and learn some of the best ways of helping yourself at any place and time with no tools required. It’s a chance to follow any curiosity you may have about what a life dedicated to Jesus might look like and how you might learn some surprising benefits to relinquishing old ways of ‘healing’ and helping yourself that are actually keeping you bound.
“Let God's promises shine on your problems.”
Before we begin, you will receive a preparation video a few days in advance to get ready for your home retreat.
THIS IS A GO AT YOUR OWN PACE RETREAT. You can take as long as you like to complete each video that is sent to you every day for 7 days. The videos are NOT live attendance but you will be invited to two live appointments below.
During the actual retreat week you will receive:
A Daily video lesson from me made only the day before. Each day we will cover a different reset subject for you to learn and contemplate with some practical action steps along the way (see below).
At the end of the 7 days you will be invited to two meetings
1. A group online prayer meeting (where you can join in with prayer or be there anonymously if you prefer) 2. A 30 minute one to one session with me (At a time of your choosing) to talk through what the course brought up and to ask any questions and to pray together.
What is a Minimalist Spiritual Approach? - Are you ready to experiment to lighten the load?
Unplugging From The New Age - What is it, Why and How
The Power of Prayer - The cost free, anytime, anywhere power practise
The Soul Tie Reset - What are they and why are they so important in resetting life?
Letting Go and Truly Letting God - Works based to Grace Based What A friend we have in Jesus
The Narrow Path (most are afraid to take) that leads to Freedom - Suspending our old belief systems.
Practical things in the World - How to move forward with a reset awareness in health and wellbeing including in your home space.
COST FOR WHOLE RETREAT (with ongoing access for 2025) is £88